Register A Sales Opportunity

The First Healthcare Products (FHP) deal registration program is available to promote our reseller partnerships through the registration of new sales opportunities. 

Once approved as the first partner to bring a new opportunity to FHP, you will receive preferred pricing to protect against other resellers that want to bid on the same project and when the buyer is required to obtain pricing from multiple sources. 

Registration is handled on a project basis rather than by the hospital or health system. Please reach out to your FHP sales manager to discuss system wide and master price agreements for enterprise opportunities. 

Submit the form below and FHP will determine eligibility for deal registration. The following guidelines will be considered:

  • Is the opportunity new to FHP?

  • Is the registrant engaged with the client and knows the project details?

  • Can the registrant facilitate an effective introduction to FHP?

  • Is FHP the first manufacturer the registrant has notified?

Price and promotion will be protected for up to 2 months after registration with the option to extend at the discretion of FHP. For deals registered over 2 months out please note the timeline below as part of the approval process.


We look forward to speaking with you!

Register A Sales Opportunity

Fill out the form to register and a representative from our Business Development team will contact you.